Since 1978 Seattle Stair & Design’s skilled craftspeople have fused old-world traditions with modern techniques in some of the continent’s finest homes and commercial spaces. Shawn says, “A good staircase is always inside the front door, so it’s an element of first impression. It’s the first thing you see when you come into a house and the last impression you get when you walk out the door.” Early on Shawn operated out of the back of his 1965 Oldsmobile F85 Cutlass, serving clients with small entryway and stair projects in urban Seattle and rural Washington. Today Seattle Stair & Design, housed in a 10,000 square foot historic industrial building, has one of the world’s top celebrities, plus a renowned private philanthropic foundation on its tight-lipped client list, and with equal passion still creates stairs and entryways for more modest homes and commercial projects around North America. Clients include the “O.W. Ranch” on Maui and Barneys New York.