We are so happy welcome our newest intern Arnaud. He is from Paris and has been working on an Encyclopedia for Les Compagnons du Devoir prior to joining Seattle Stair for advanced training and experience. I have been working on the preparation of his Visa papers for the past few months and am quite pleased in his arrival.
Arnaud will spend the first day or so here in the shop getting his “bench” together and organizing his area of the shop. We then will orient him into an existing project to prepare him for the ultimate fabrication of some very complex wreathed sections of hand railing.
The Compagnon du Devoir is a craftsman's guild based in France that has origins nearly 1000 years old. Since 2003 we have been fortunate to be the only stair maker in North America that is recognized by the Compagnon du Devoir as a stage of professional training and development while these craftsmen are on their journey from apprentice to master. Arnaud is of the highest level of apprenticeship thus far. We look forward to imparting our knowledge and culture while learning from him and his experiences. It is this cross cultural exchange and passion for learning that I find to be a large part of the magic that is Seattle Stair & Design.
David – Seattle Stair & Design