To the right is a picture of a failed rail-joint (one of many) on a Monumental Stair for a local Client.
We were contracted to supply parts only, as installation was to be done by others.
Often we are called in to review jobs and to offer solutions to other installers, designers and fabricator fails. This can be one of the hardest and most complicated parts of our jobs here at Seattle Stair & Design.
I have so many pictures in this vein and it seems this fountain keeps replenishing itself.
It stresses the importance of having the right talent complete the task at hand.
However, most contractors and homeowners may not know the extent of the risk they are exposing themselves to.
Saving a few hundred or even thousands by having a lesser bidder complete the work exposes a tremendous amount of risk and can cost much more than the savings to fix properly. It is not uncommon for me to see situations that force the client or contractor to pay more than twice the original amount to correct errors that could have been solved right the first time.
I did not even get into the delays this can add to a project.
My very wise and frugal Uncle used to always tell me " a poor man has to buy the best - because he can't afford to but it twice." True words that every contractor and client should consider prior to making risky cost cutting decisions.
The bottom line is this - everyone makes mistakes - it is how you deal with and more importantly - prevent them - that is what sets you apart and adds value.
David - Seattle Stair & Design
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